instructions for shut the box game

The Shut the Box game is a classic pub game that requires a combination of luck and strategy. The objective of the game is to be the first player to shut all the numbers on the game board, or to have the lowest score at the end of the game. Here are the instructions for playing Shut the Box:

Number of Players and Equipment

Shut the Box can be played with 2 or more players. The equipment needed to play the game includes:

  • A Shut the Box game board with numbered tiles from 1 to 9 (or 1 to 12 in some versions)
  • 2 six-sided dice
  • A scorepad and pen (optional, for keeping track of scores over multiple rounds)


To set up the game, place the Shut the Box game board in the center of the playing area so that all players can easily reach it. Each player should have a copy of the game board, or players can take turns playing on the same board.


Here’s how to play Shut the Box:

  1. Roll the 2 dice to determine the numbers that can be shut on the game board.
  2. Add the numbers on the dice to determine the total number that can be shut.
  3. Look for combinations of numbers on the game board that can be shut to equal the total number rolled.
  4. Shut the numbers on the game board that equal the total number rolled.
  5. Continue rolling the dice and shutting numbers on the game board until no more numbers can be shut.


There are several ways to score Shut the Box. Here are a few common methods:

  • Golf Scoring: The player with the lowest sum of open numbers wins the game.
  • Traditional Scoring: The player with the lowest score at the end of the game wins. The score is calculated by adding up the numbers that are still open on the game board.

Strategies and Tips

Here are a few strategies and tips to help you play Shut the Box:

  • Try to shut the numbers on the game board in a way that leaves the fewest options for your opponents.
  • Focus on shutting the higher numbers on the game board first, as these are worth more points.
  • Use strategy to block your opponents from shutting certain numbers on the game board.

Shut the Box is a fun and challenging game that requires a combination of luck and strategy. By following these instructions and practicing your skills, you can become a Shut the Box champion and enjoy hours of entertainment with your friends and family.

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